scoring saw blade

What Is A Scoring Blade On A Table Saw?

Published On: June 19, 2023

Table saws are one of the most frequently used tools in woodworking. Various tasks can be finished on a table saw. When it comes to cutting coated panels such as veneered plywood, a table saw with a scoring unit is required. In this article, we’ll explain the definition and applications of scoring saw blades in detail.

A scoring saw blade is mounted in front of the main blade on a table saw to make clean cuts on certain types of materials, particularly those that are prone to chipping or splintering. Unlike the main saw blade, the scoring saw blade is designed to make a shallow cut on the bottom surface of the workpiece before the main blade makes its cut, preventing the material from splintering or chipping. This can result in a cleaner and smoother cut.

The scoring saw blade is usually 0.1 mm to 0.2 mm wider than the main blade, rotating in a clockwise circle (opposite to the main blade) and with a higher cut speed. There are two types of scoring saw blades: adjustable scoring blade sets (two pieces) and conical scoring blades (one piece).

Not all table saws are equipped with a scoring unit, and before using a scoring blade, you should ensure that there is a scoring unit on your table saw.

Konetool is an experienced supplier of scoring saw blades. If you’re looking for quality scoring blades for your business, please feel free to contact us. Our salespeople are ready to help you!

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Adjustable Scoring Saw Blade Set

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